Renee A. Rutz, R.P.P, RCST, BCTMB, CPE
Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1978-82
Degree: BA
Included undergraduate research assistantship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Health and Safety Research Division
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1984 – 1985
Studied Anatomy and Physiology
SISU, Inc. and Health Enrichment Center, 1986 –1989
Studied Massage Therapy
Polarity Center, Dearborn, Michigan, 1993 - 1995
Received Registered Polarity Practitioner distinction
Craniosacral Institute at the American School for Energetic Studies, Boston, MA 1995 - 1998
Received Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist distinction
Franklyn Sills, instructor
Foundation for Human Enrichment, 1998 – 2000
Somatic Experiencing Training through Intermediate Level, a training teaching how to work with trauma held in the body
Washtenaw Community College 2003-4
Completed classes in Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Developmental Psychology
American Polarity Therapy Association, 2003
Received Certified Polarity Educator distinction
Private Practice in Massage, Polarity and Craniosacral Therapies, 1984 - present
American School of Energetic Studies, Boston, MA, 1998 – 2001
Three year teaching assistantship in the foundation course for craniosacral therapy
Center for Wellbeing, 2000 – 2003
Teaching assistantship in Trauma Healing with Chandana Becker, Ph.D., R.P.P., S.E.P.
Polarity Center, Dearborn, Michigan, 1998 – 2009
Involved in all aspects of day to day operations, curriculum development, marketing, and teaching foundation training in Polarity Therapy.
American Massage Therapy Association since 1985
American Polarity Therapy Association since 1994
North American Craniosacral Therapy Association since 1998
Foundation for Human Enrichment since 2000
National Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork since 1992
Chandana Becker, Ph.D.
Center for Well- Being
Fayetteville, AK
Kathleen Dvorak, D.C.
Complete Chiropractic & Bodywork Therapies
Ann Arbor, MI